ALL POSTS TAGGED WITH climate change
08/27/2017 / By Isabelle Z.

A new technical paper that was published in GeoResJ shows that it is not possible to confirm that any recent

08/22/2017 / By JD Heyes

The Alt-Left has convinced itself and as many people as possible that because human beings dared to modernize, we are

07/27/2017 / By Lance D Johnson

Temperature fluctuates, the weather shifts, and the climate never stays the same. It doesn’t matter where you live; it has

07/26/2017 / By Mike Adams

As the global warming narrative unravels under revelations of scientific fraud, data alteration and faked “hockey stick” data models, the

07/25/2017 / By Mike Adams

A rational review of global warming data has unveiled systematic scientific fraud to alter temperature data in support of the

07/23/2017 / By JD Heyes

Without a doubt, fossil fuels – oil and coal, primarily – drove the industrial and technological revolutions of the past

07/23/2017 / By JD Heyes

The issue of catastrophic climate change/global warming is perhaps the greatest scientific hoax ever perpetuated, but the big lie is

07/20/2017 / By Lance D Johnson

The church of climatology persistently drives global warming fear into their congregation, to ensure that followers will continue believing, continue

07/19/2017 / By JD Heyes

If you are a supporter of President Donald J. Trump, you might not have realized that voting for him was casting

07/16/2017 / By Amy Goodrich

Recently, a controversy over temperature adjustments has spiraled out of control — with proof of records being changed to support